Ph.D. advisees who have completed degrees
Espinoza, Sarah | Sociodemographic and Psychological Differences in Global Self Worth Among Adolescent Ultimate Players | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2020 |
Hamilton, Maya | Coaches who care: The ethical professional identity of moral exemplar college coaches. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2015 |
Valentini, Thomas P. | A qualitative case study of a collegiate tennis program’s sport moral atmosphere. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2014 |
Russell, Hayley C. | Psychological responses and rehabilitation outcomes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2014 |
Kenow, Laura | Making return-to-play decisions in competitive sport: Challenges, coping, and preparation among athletic trainers. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2014 |
Thul, Chelsey Rodd | Understanding the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, class, religion, and culture within perceived, conceived, and lived physical activity space among Somali, Muslim immigrant adolescent girls and young women: Implications for future G.I.R.L.S. programming. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2012 |
Winges, James B. | Athlete perceptions and consequences of parental background anger in youth ice hockey. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2012 |
Navarre, Michael J. | Male college soccer coaches perceptions of gender similarities and differences in coach-athlete and teammate relationships: Introducing the construct of relationship-performance orientation. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2011 |
LaRue, Mary | The role of certified athletic trainers in the recognition and referral of mental health issues in intercollegiate student-athletes. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2010 |
Omli, Jens | Kids Speak: Child preferences for coach and parent behavior during youth sport events. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2008 |
Mork Armentrout, Suzannah | A grounded theory of Ironman triathlete training. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2007 |
Ruiz, Matthew | Effects of positive and negative emotion elicitation on physical activity performances. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2008 |
Colgan, Deborah | Psychological, physiological and situational factors affecting performance in adolescent figure skaters. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2005 |
Hartman Nippert, Angela | “I have four months to compete, eight months to heal”. The sport ethic and girls’ interscholastic gymnastics participation: What does it mean to play through pain? | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2005 |
LaVoi, Nicole M. | Examining relationships in sport contexts. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2002 |
Schwenz, Susan | Athletes’ perceptions of rehabilitation and the use of biofeedback to enhance psychological recovery following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2002 |
Henert, Shaine | Exploring injured athletes’ perceptions of social support and use of coping strategies as a function of injury type, gender, and time. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 2000 |
Barrett, Betsy | An application of the transtheoretical model to physical activity. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1997 |
Rattigan, Peter | The effect of cooperative, competitive and individualistic goal structures on physical and psychosocial outcomes in elementary school physical education. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1997 |
Shaffer, Shelly | Grappling with injury: What motivates young athletes to wrestle with pain? | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1996 |
Morrey, Michael | Predicting injury recovery as a function of affect and cognitive coping mechanisms in athletes who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery: An exploratory study. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1996 |
Smith, Aynsley | Physical and psychosocial predictors of injury in ice hockey. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1995 |
LaMott, Eric | The anterior cruciate ligament injured athlete: The psychological process. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1994 |
Yi, Luo | The relationship of daily hassles, major life events, and social support to athletic injury in football. | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1994 |
Wang, Jin | Youth sport motivation in the People’s Republic of China. (* 1993 AAASP Outstanding Dissertation Award Winner) | Ph.D. in Kinesiology | 1992 |
M.A. advisees who have completed degrees
Hemme, Taylor | Diet quality and the psychological response to sport injury | M.S. (Plan A) in Kinesiology | 2023 |
Principe, Francesca | Perceptions of injury risk and field conditions as related to sport behaviors, performance, and injuries among collegiate rugby club athletes | M.S. (Plan A) in Kinesiology | 2019 |
Hoppis, Shelby A. | Competing while injured: What wrestlers do and why. | M.A. (Plan A) in Kinesiology | 2012 |
Franklin, Ayanna N. | The role of personality in athletes’ sport injury responses and adherence to rehabilitation. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2011 |
Pacl, Bryan | Athletes’ perceptions of the disadvantages of away competition: A qualitative analysis. | M.S. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2011 |
Wurst, Katherine M. | Sport coaching effectiveness for the millennial generation. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2011 |
Robertson Dooley, Tara | Military non-combat musculoskeletal injuries, psychosocial factors, and the role of athletic trainers | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2011 |
Alcivar, Tom | Effects of feedback timing on the learning of a complex skill. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2010 |
Lobby, Mackenzie | Mentor evaluation of a sport-based youth development program. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2009 |
Cook, Sarah | Athlete expectations of athletic trainers during rehabilitation from injury. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2007 |
Lindstrom Bremer, Karin | A content analysis of youth sport parenting books. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2005 |
Ochocki, Amy | A measure of protective factors derived from school sponsored extra-curricular activities. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2005 |
Whitney, Carolan | A retrospective look at the gymnastics experience: Retirement and transition from sport of former artistic female gymnasts. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2005 |
Uhan, Joseph | Team cohesion and individual performance: Beliefs and practices of interscholastic cross country coaches. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2005 |
Eibensteiner, Julie | Competitiveness and perceived competence in NCAA Division 1 female soccer players: Comparing starters and non-starters. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2004 |
Dulfer, Johan | Sources and levels of trait sport confidence among female collegiate volleyball players. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2003 |
Nicholls, Kathryn | Fitness level and mood state changes in military personnel during a moderate to intense exercise bout. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2002 |
Smith, Arianne | Predisposing factors to overuse injuries: The effects of competitiveness, perfectionism, and compulsivity on male and female collegiate cross country runners. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2002 |
Berlin, Trisha | The relationships among pain perception, pain coping, and speed of recovery in male intercollegiate athletes. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2001 |
White, Stacey | Mental imagery and recovery from sport injury. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2001 |
Sampson, Carrie | Anxiety-performance relationships in collegiate swimmers. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2000 |
Potratz, Wendy | The relationship of role conflict, role ambiguity, stress, coping skills, and psychology education as relating to burnout in certified athletic trainers. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 2000 |
Merabella, Michael | The relationship between sport specific coping skills and burnout among collegiate athletes. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 2000 |
Colgan, Deborah | Coach-athlete relationship terminations: Effects on the coach. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1999 |
Roiger, Trevor | The effect of group versus individual instruction on the nutrition and weight loss knowledge of collegiate wrestlers. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1999 |
Turveen, Holly | Psychosocial development and achievement in soccer. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1999 |
Eiben, Katie | The benefits of physical activity: Are adolescents getting the message in the magazines they read? | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1999 |
Pierson, Eric | Imbalance: A ramp-up model to adjustment disorder in competitive figure skaters. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1999 |
Vrieze, Gretchen | An analysis of the differences in pre-performance behaviors between expert and average golfers: An observation study. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1998 |
Ryan, Jennifer | Eating disorder behavior among aerobic dance-exercise instructors. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1998 |
Heniff, Courtney | A comparison of life event stress, weekly hassles, and mood disturbance between injured and uninjured female university athletes. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 1998 |
Hovett, Cindy | Recruiting experiences of female Division III college basketball players. | M.A. (Plan B) in Kinesiology | 1998 |
Brown, Michelle | Athlete, athletic trainer, and coach perceptions of athletic injury cause and prevention. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 1995 |
Morrey, Michael | The relationship between personality type and position type in football as perceived by football coaches. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 1993 |
Holland, Fiona | Psychobiological factors involved in the success of a multidimensional weight loss program. | M.A. (Thesis) in Kinesiology | 1992 |